articles_oxJan14Contrary to popular belief, we are still in the year of the Water Snake (癸巳)! Yin Wood Ox (乙丑) month arrives on January 5th and represents the last of the 12 Celestial Animal of the solar calendar year 2013 (and before we arrive at Spring). So, you still have one more month to make use of the energy of the Snake, or continue to watch out for the Snake if you have a clash or penalty relationship with it.

The Ox is a Nobleman to those born on the Day or Year with Yang Wood (甲), Yang Earth (戊), and Yang Metal (庚). You can expect it to be a smooth and easy month with opportunities to meet helpful and sentimental people.

If you were born on the day of the Rat (子), the Ox combines with the Rat, signifying a period of harmony for you and/or with your partner or spouse. It’s a time to flow and feel extra sweet and romantic. Even if you are single, this combine relationship can turn up fruitful connections. So, be open and ready to mingle!

On the other hand, if you were born on the day of the Goat (未), the clash between the Goat and Ox will create a slight disturbance in the House of Spouse. The tension is temporary. If you are in a relationship, this is a great time to practice compassion, patience, and open communication.

This clash is also an opportunity for you to “move around,” creating a more dynamic month to travel, make positive changes, or be more energetic and productive.

Yin Wood sitting on Ox also represents a conquering relationship that is not always harmonious. The last time the Yin Wood Ox month appeared was in 2009, and past events showed turmoil and conflict as a result of the “bleeding in” or continuum from the previous year. Notable events include the Israel-Gaza conflict of 2008-2009, the number of Piracy hijacking in Somalia was at an all-time high, and the global financial crisis of 2008 continued to pummel the stock markets going into 2009.

As for this year, the Yin Wood Ox combo may not necessarily be as turbulent because the Snake year has a positive influence over the Ox. Furthermore, the Fire energy of the Snake strengthens the Ox; however, the Wood on top suppressing the weak Earth below will also reflect weakness in the earth, suggesting chances for earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, or other earth-related disasters.

While the energy of the month may not be as bumpy as it was in 2009, it is still important to watch for hiccups in interpersonal relations. History has shown patterns of negative human relations. On a larger and more public scale, for example, people conflicts were manifested in hijacking (US TWA Flight 847 by Hezbollah, Egypt Air Flight 648 in Malta, Italian Cruise Liner Achille Lauro by Palestinian terrorists), riots, terrorism (US Unabomber, car bombing in Lebanon), and the like.

As a reminder, Yin Wood can be described as a flower or the vines. It also symbolizes gentleness, elegance, and resilience. The Ox is a steadfast animal, determined, dependable, but also stubborn. As such, the key to keeping peaceful relations (especially this month) is to “marry” the upside of these elements. Conflicts and misunderstandings – big or small – can only be resolved with honest and open communication, empathy, and flexibility.

Feng Shui Flying Star 9 is in the Center. It is best to place 6 metal coins in the West corner of the house and avoid Star 5 in the North. If the North side of your space cannot be avoided, then it is best to hang a 6-rod metal wind chime to dissolve this Misfortune Star.

If you are pursuing academic or creative writing endeavors for school or business, relocate your workstation in the NW corner where positive Stars 1,6 are located. The South corner also supports Intelligence with positive Stars 4,9. Both locations are ideal for nurturing critical thinking and creativity.

Pay special attention to the East where Stars 3,7 is located. If your Main Door is located in this area, beware of robbery. Incorporate either Wood element (i.e., plants) or Metal element (i.e., 6 metal coins) to exhaust this influence.

Take care of Stars 5,9 in the Center and 2,7 in the West as these can bring fire disasters; Stars 2,6 and 2,7 in the SW and W, respectively, means danger of breathing organs and other lung-type ailments.

Prosperous Star 8 is located in the SE corner. If this is an active (Yang) space like your living room or home office, tap into this positive energy by spending more time in these areas. If your bedroom (Yin) is located here, sleep and rest may be temporarily disturbed.

Fun facts: British actress Keira Knightly was born in the year of Yin Wood Ox. Barack Obama’s USA presidential win was officially announced in the month of Yin Wood Ox (Year 2009).