articles_rabbit15In case you haven’t noticed, I have been absent for a few months – and for good reasons! The Horse 午 year did not fail to make its energy known. It was certainly one of the most dynamic times in my life and the latter half of 2014 did not disappoint.

The year was marked with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. And I can’t help but reference back to what I always say: Sometimes the biggest blessings in life come from the hardest lessons.

While I had suffered a great loss of losing my beloved father back in September, the year ended remarkably awesome for me: I got engaged on Christmas Day! I credit this blessing to Papa. He is my Angel.

And alas! I am back and ready to share again.

So here we are… at the start of a new Chinese year – the Goat 未. For those who did not enjoy last year’s strong Fire year will finally experience some reprieve. Isn’t that nice? But don’t mistake the Goat 未 to be a gentle one, either. While the literal physical manifestation of the animal looks cute and happy, elementally speaking, the Goat 未 is nothing but.
Similar to the Horse 午 being a powerful Fire Element, the Goat 未 is actually the most powerful Earth Element. For those who practice Four Pillars/BaZi will understand that there are four Earth Elements: the Dragon 辰, Goat 未, Dog 戌, and Ox 丑. Out of these four, the Goat 未 is considered the most powerful because it is supported by the summer season. So what does that mean? It means we can expect another compelling year. While it will not be as turbulent as last year, we forecast the Goat 未 year to be one marked with important events that we will remember in history.

If you haven’t already checked out my mentor’s 2015 forecast, I suggest that you do so. Grand Master Raymond Lo’s annual forecast is always highly anticipated (and often copied!). You can view and enjoy it here.

This month is Rabbit 卯. That means we are officially at the peak of springtime now. While I do live in Arizona where the four seasons may not be so obvious, I like to embrace and reflect the changing of the seasons by the foods I eat/prepare, the décor at home, and the intention that the season brings.

Spring always reminds of me a time for renewal. It’s the birthing of everything new: new ideas, new goals, new habits, new dreams, and new adventures. It truly is a wonderful time to look at everything as a new beginning. I trust you consider yourself to be just as lucky to be alive. I certain do. I am grateful that I have been given another day to wake up and start over. For the springtime, this is symbolically, metaphorically, and literally a time for a fresh start. I hope you take this gift as a reminder to set yourself up for the New Year, but also giving yourself the space to stay open to spontaneous surprises.

In practice, the new Chinese year does not follow the lunar calendar year or our Jan. 1- Dec. 31 calendar year. It always begins on February 4th, which is often referred to as the “Arrival of Spring.” Unlike our western counterpart, the new cycle begins in the middle of the spring known as the spring equinox, which starts on March 21st, Hong Kong time. That is one of the more obvious differences between the two disciplines.

At any rate, the Rabbit 卯 month will half-combine with the Goat 未 year. That means if you have a Pig in your Four Pillars, you can expect this time to generate a strong Wood energy. Note: Of course, how that affects you and in what areas of your life will depend on your Four Pillars.

Let me talk a little more about the Wood Element on a more technical level. We know that this year the Wood Element will struggle because the Water Element is scarce. In the Chinese Five Elements cycle (and in nature), Wood needs Water to grow, thrive, and survive. So why do we say this year lacks Water? I have three reasons.

  1. Like I mentioned earlier, the Goat 未 is a powerful Earth Element.
  2. The Goat 未 is considered “dry” Earth, like a desert. Just like a desert, the land is parched, dry, and dehydrated. How do we come up with this? The Hidden Stems (a BaZi terminology), or what we consider is “inside” the Goat 未, contains more Fire, Wood, and Earth, but no Water. That’s why the Goat 未 is a dry Earth Element.
  3. Lastly, the Goat 未 is also called the Grave of Wood. The Goat 未 is the time when Wood dies. Just like every life cycle, nature has to run its course. Everything lives and eventually expires. That’s why with Yin Wood 乙 showing up in the year 2015, we expect to see more environment issues with our forests and trees being affected, as well as drought and earth-related disasters.
    This month Yin Earth 己 sits on top of Rabbit 卯. The qualities of a Yin Earth person are often compared to a gentle garden. They are charismatic, charming, articulate, and often have a slender body. Being of the Earth element, these people are also quite nurturing and giving that has a typical symbolic relation to Mama Earth.

Note: Famous Yin Earth people include Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Ann Hathaway, Audrey Hepburn, Eva Green, and Princess Letizia of Spain, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Michael Angelo, Chris Kyle, George Michael, to name a few.

For those born in the Year or Day of Tiger 寅, Horse 午, Dog 戌, this is your Peach Blossom month! What a great time to be out and about and super social. If you’re single and ready to mingle, doll up and you might get a chance encounter in love! Then again, I always say it’s up to you on how you choose to use this energy to your favor because it doesn’t always have to be just about romance. For instance, if you’re self-employed, especially in the service business and looking to garner more client traffic, use this time now to promote and market your work. Use this time to attract more business by getting your face out there!

So what can we expect in the Rabbit 卯 month?

Five years ago, also a Yin Earth Rabbit 己卯 month, we see a handful of important political landmarks in both the Middle East and Russia. Here are some notable events, to name a few:

  • Two bombs killed at least 38 people during the first general election in Baghdad after Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown by the United States.
  • U.S. Defense Department contracted professional killers from private companies that employ former CIA operatives to track and kill militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • The U.S. and Russia report a breakthrough in arms control negotiations. Presidents Obama and Medvedev signed a treaty that outlined the agreement to lower the limit on deployed strategic warheads and launchers, and to implement a new inspection regime.
  • Two female suicide bombers detonated bombs in two Moscow subway stations, killing at least 39 people. This was the first terrorist attacks in the capital city since 2004 when Moscow experienced a strong of deadly violence.

As such, and consistent with our 2015 year forecast, we attribute this Goat 未 year to be a time of war again between the United States and the Middle East where our US troops will actually be on the ground (if not already). Conflicts between these two countries will only escalate especially with the rise of the IS terrorist group. The US is aiming to attack during April/May timeframe, which will make sense because April will have “double 5” Flying Star in the West and May will have 3 in the Northwest. Because President Obama is a Strong Yin Earth 己 person, these two months are Metal months, representing his Intelligence element where he will actually take more aggressive actions. Conflicts in Europe, like Russia, will also continue to persist and escalate. More on Flying Stars below…

This month we will also see some significant and jolting natural disasters, particularly around Earth. Because Earth sits on powerful Wood, disturbances will definitely come from underground, which will bring potential earthquakes and other earth-related disasters.

Flying Stars 4 takes the center position this month. The North sector is quite prosperous this month with visiting Star 9 (Fire) supporting Current Prosperity 8 (Earth). If you work in this space, keep this area open and dynamic including placing active objects such as moving water, pendulum clock, or TV and radio.

Another good spot is the Southwest with 9,1. Visiting Star 1 (Water) will activate Coming Prosperity 9 (Fire) so it’s important to also enhance this area for good money prosperity.

I would caution the Northeast Sector with 6,7 – heavy Metal, which could cause breathing organ issues. If this sector is located in an important room such as a living room, your home entrance, or main sleeping quarter, place 3 bamboo sticks in still water to cure. Otherwise, if this is a “waste” room such as a bathroom or storage space that you do not spend time in or do quality work, then there’s no need to place any cures here. The function of your space will already take care of it. Additionally, this combination is called “Crossing Swords,” giving rise to potential conflict area.

Even though Visiting Star 8 is in the South sector this month, I would caution the use of active objects to enhance this Star because 7 resides here this year. The Visiting Star will only aggravate an already faded energy; hence, it is important to evaluate this sector properly based on the unique Flying Star chart of your home by also placing 3 bamboo sticks in a clear water vase.

Stars 2,3 are “Fighting Bull” in the Southeast causing potential sickness and natural disasters.

Six metal rod wind chimes need to go to the West (5,6) and Northwest (4,5) in your home. However, with 5 in the West and 5 in the Northwest, this could cause potential trouble area in Europe and the Middle East, likely related to terrorism stimulating a larger scale conflict later in the year.

For health, I will only remind you to go back to the basics. Spring is a time to reboot the body and mind. Spring is also closely related to the Wood element, which represents our liver and the emotion related to anger. Temper your thoughts and spirit to embrace only what is positive and inspiring. Give the liver a boost but doing an easy cleanse, avoiding alcohol abuse, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Because Water is lacking, the liver will need the extra love. Be good to your body. Fuel your mind only with goodness. And welcome the year with vibrancy and enthusiasm!

To close out this month’s forecast, I’d like to leave this as my parting words to you. And I do wish you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year of the Goat!

If we live our lives conscious of the energies of the natural world, we can and we will understand that to some degree, we are able to be in touch with qualities that are eternal. It is possible to have faith in the continuity of the Soul. Through love connections that endure, we sense that, in a very real way, we will live on. Indeed, when we know our individual existence to be part of the Infinite, there is an acceptance that, on the deepest level, all is as it should be.

Fun facts: Rabbits, as pets, should be kept in pairs. Companionship is key to the welfare of rabbits. Without the company of another neutered rabbit, they get lonely and bored. In the wild, rabbits are social creates, a fact that doesn’t change simply because they are kept as pets. Isn’t that adorable?

To check out my previous forecasts, you can visit my website under “Articles” or in the “Notes” section on Facebook.

Upcoming Class: The 5-Day Feng Shui Practitioners Training program will take place in Scottsdale, AZ March 27-31, 2015. We still have a few precious seats left with already a great group of students attending from Hawaii, Texas, and Arizona. If you are interested in making the leap to learn this beautiful and amazing knowledge, please contact me or visit:

Thank you Grand Master Raymond Lo for authorizing your school to be taught by me in the United States. It’s an honor! All certificates will be co-signed by GM Lo and me and endorsed by the International Feng Shui Association. We hope to see you!

Copyright ©2015 Jen Nicomedes. All Rights Reserved.