2016-07 Wood Goat

As we enter the Yin Wood Goat 乙未 month, let us all transform anger and frustration to forgiveness and patience. This Goat 未 month represents the final month of the first half (Yang energy) of the crazy Monkey 申 Year!

If the year wasn’t wild enough, how about that June? There’s a feeling of madness and chaos felt all around the world. And as we reflect back on the events of the last 30 days, it is unbelievable to witness the events that wreaked so much havoc to the world, from the bombings in Istanbul to the shootings in Florida, Brexit in the UK, and the terrorist attacks in France.

The energy of the Yang Wood Horse 甲午 did not fall short on giving us all a good jolt! So let’s have a look at how the coming month will unfold.

Meaning of the Elements

flowerYin Wood 乙 is the Heavenly Stems 天干 and this is often compared to a flower. For Yin Wood 乙 people, they are kind, flexible, easy going, and non-confrontational. They are also goal oriented, hard working, and often thrive on competition and achievement; however, they can also experience frequent conflicts in life. Known also as the “people pleaser” of all the Elements, they have a tendency to suppress their true feelings and not stand up for themselves. This is especially apparent when a Yin Wood 乙 person is out of balance. One of their underlying needs is for a sense of direction and control in life. So when they are not elementally supported, they exhibit poor decision-making, feelings of frustration, and inappropriate anger.

Other famous Yin Wood people include: Nicole Kidman, Coco Chanel, Madonna, Christina Applegate, Jayne Mansfield, Jessica Biel, John Lennon, Princess Diana, Rob Lowe, Yoko Ono, Julia Roberts, Hugh Jackman, Sheryl Sandberg, and Yves Saint Laurent, to name a few.

Goat is the Earthly Branch 地支 in the celestial animal order of the Chinese Hsia Calendar. It also represents the final transition of the summer season, or late summer. Elementally speaking, the Goat 未 is a Yin Earth 己 Element. But do not be fooled by its “Yin” quality. In face, the Goat 未 is considered the strongest of the 4 Earth Elements (Dragon 辰, Goat 未, Dog 戌, Ox 丑) because it is attached to the string of the Fire Season (summer); Fire 火 supports Earth 土. With the summer season transitioning out, the Earth 土 Element reminds us to make time for balance and good will.

BaZi 八子 Forecast

Yin Wood 乙 sits on Goat 未 in a destructive cycle 剋. Such relationship usually means conflict and disharmony. So there will be international conflicts and clashes; however, the nature of Yin Wood 乙 will allow these contentions to resolve with compromise and agreement. Similar to the energetic shift from Year 2014 (Yang Wood Horse 甲午) to 2015 (Yin Wood Goat 乙未), we can expect this month to be comparatively less violent than June.

Even though this is late summer, the Fire 火 energy is still very powerful because hidden inside the Goat 未 is Yin Fire 丁, Yin Earth 己, and Yin Wood 乙, showing strong signs of a dry summer earth without any Water 水 to nourish the Wood 木. Certainly, the very powerful Earth 土 energy will also bring earth-related disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, collapses of buildings, etc. The devastating 311 earthquake in Japan in 2011 also occurred on the day of Ox 丑 (Earth 土) and Hour of Goat 未 (Earth 土). Because there is total absence of Water 水 in the Goat 未, there will be forest fires, hurricanes, typhoons, and severe weather changes.

This month we can see some favorable upturn in industries related to solar energy, air travel, sports, exercises, entertainment, and food & beverages. However, as we move into the 2nd half of 2016–the start of the Yin energy– we will begin to see the strength of the Fire energy diminish; and so, there will be more fluctuations in the stock market and economic performance, which will in turn affect investor confidence.

The Goat 未 also forms an Earth Penalty when it connects with the Dog 戌 and Ox 丑. Beware of these days in July:

Dog 戌 Days: 15th, 27th

Ox 丑 Days: 18th, 30th (also a clash day to the Goat 未)

Flying Star Feng Shui 玄空凤水 Forecast

Because life is a dynamic phenomenon, you can surely expect the energetic qualities of your home and office to also change over time. That’s the fundamental principle of Flying Star Feng Shui玄空風水.

To simplify an otherwise very complicated practice of Flying Star Feng Shui 玄空風水, just take note that the good stars (or positive energies) are denoted by numbers 8, 9, and 1. The rest – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – are negative or outdated energies, with 5 and 2 symbolizing the worst of all the stars.

This month, the Ruling Star is “6” because it takes the center palace. You can see the Flying Star chart for the this month (in grey) with the 2016 Annual Flying Stars (in black) below.


~July 2016 Flying Star Chart~

Center (6): Visiting Star 6 takes the center palace. This carries the symbolic meaning of legal trouble and breathing organ problems. Although the center palace occupies a relatively small area, if your house happens to have an important room such as a bedroom, living room, or kitchen, then you will need to place 3 bamboo stems (Water 水 and Wood 木) to help suppress the negative energy of 6 (Metal 金). While this set up is typically uncommon for a home, this may be more relevant for open floor plan type office spaces.

East (4): The energy of 4 (Wood 木) may be able to boost prosperous Annual Star 9 (Fire 火) in the East sector this month. Be careful how you activate this area, though, because you must clearly understand what the base Flying Star chart of your home or office is first. Hence, it is best to consult a professional before activating 4 because it is still a faded star.

Southeast (5): With 5 visiting in this sector this month, it could bring virus or other breathing organ problems for health. Place 6 metal rod wind chime (Metal 金) to suppress the Misfortune Star.

Southwest (3): Place a red envelope or lucky lai (Fire 火) see in to neutralize outdated star 3 (Wood 木).

Northwest (7): Monthly Star 7 is in the NW and will pair up with Annual Star 3, be careful of liver and lung trouble. If this is the location of your front door, beware of robbery. Also, conflict can continue in the NW region in Europe and the UK. Place your 3 bamboo cure here as well.

North (2): Sickness 2 (Earth 土) is in the North. Cure it with 6-metal coins so as not to further enhance 2016 Flying Star 7 (Metal 金). Also be mindful of sex scandal and fire trouble.

6 Coins 2

Northeast (9): Even though 9 is visiting in the NE sector, we cannot actually benefit from it this month because of Annual Star 5. The energy of 9 (Fire 火) will only intensify the energy of 5 (Earth 土). Hence, you cannot place any active objects here to stimulate to use 9 this month. What to do? Nothing. Just leave 9 alone this month and make sure you have 6 metal rod wind chime already in place to address the 2016 Flying Star 5. Be careful of fire disasters and explosions in the NE as well. Same also for the North because these are Fire Star Numbers.

Be careful with your enhancements to activate positive Monthly Stars in the South (1 Water 水) and in the West (8 Earth 土). Make sure you understand how the Stars interact with each other; hence, randomly placing objects around your home or office may worsen, rather than improve, the Feng Shui 風水 of your space.

Click here to learn more about enhancements: 8 Common Feng Shui Enhancements.

Interested in a residential or business Feng Shui consultation with me? Please click HERE.

BaZi 八字 for People

You may click on the links below to learn more about the meanings of the symbolic stars.

  • Nobleman = Out of all the Heavenly Stems 天干 signs, many more people will enjoy the Goat as their Nobleman. And it is for those born on the Year or Day of Yang Wood 甲, Yang Earth 戊, and Yang Metal 庚.
  • Clash = If you have an Ox 丑 in your chart or in your Luck, July is a clash month. Carry the pendant of a Horse 午 from July 7-August 7.
  • Penalty = If in your chart you have a Dog 戌 and an Ox 丑 already, then July may be an Earth Penalty month. Be nice to yourself and be more mindful with health and relationships.

half combine

Want to learn more about your personal BaZi? Please click HERE for a BaZi consultation with Jen!

BaZi and Health

The Nei Jing states, “A person is not sick because they have a disease, they have a disease because they are sick.” It means that our vulnerability to disease is directly related to how we conduct our daily life.

With July, the Earth 土 energy corresponds to the stomach and the spleen and the process of digestion and absorption; in other words, the “harvest” of nutrients from food. Because Earth 土 also corresponds to the “taking in,” it is an important time for us to examine how we are digesting and nourishing our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual needs.

With the dynamic energy of the Monkey 申, many of us are experiencing varying degrees of inner turmoil, including physical changes and spiritual shifts. As a result, our mental and emotional health may be negatively compromised if we do not maintain a strong physical and/or spiritual ritual to help keep us sane, grounded, and physically healthy.

balanceTherefore, it is important to use the energy of July to promote a more caring and supportive nature, and to find contentment and satisfaction even in less-than-ideal circumstances. If we find ourselves looking for attention outside of ourselves, feeling needy and insecure and self-absorbed, constantly worrying, or complaining about our needs not being met, these are tell-tell signs of imbalances manifesting in our physical and emotional health.

It also means we cannot “harvest” thoughts and inspiration from a place of balance and love; and we may exhibit behaviors such as lack of drive and motivation, low self-esteem, lack of empathy, cynicism, and doubt. Physical symptoms can include digestive problems, fatigue and lethargy, headache, insomnia, excessive hunger/eating, and weight gain.

I recommend getting a “tune up” with your local acupuncturist to help re-calibrate your internal qi. Also, eat foods that are in season. Since the Earth 土 Element is closely associated with sweet tastes, enjoy fruits like avocado, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, cucumbers, mangoes, peaches, plums, raspberries, and strawberries. Vegetables abound! Eat green beans, peppers, potatoes, and squash.

For a more expanded discussion on this subject, click here BaZi and Health: July Goat – the Earth Element.

Upcoming Events

5-Day Feng Shui Training, San Francisco CA = Aug. 5-9, 2016

GM Raymond Lo: Four Pillars of Destiny & I Ching Divination, San Francisco CA = Sept. 24-Oct. 1, 2016

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www.FengShuibyJen.com | [email protected]

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