The horrifying news of actor Anton Yelchin’s passing came as a shock in Hollywood. His death was dubbed a “freak accident” when he was found pinned between his vehicle and the security gate of his home. This tragedy occurred some time in the early morning hours of June 19th, 2016 (exact time and cause of death to be announced after his autopsy).

Anton was known for his role as Chekov in the new Star Trek reboot movies. A life cut too short, at 27.

Did you know in Chinese BaZi and Face Reading, age 27 is considered the most sensitive time in a person’s life? Age 27 is an important shift in a person’s life because this is when we all move into our “House of Life” luck. And in Face Reading, this is the point between your eyebrows, just above your nose. And many Face Reading experts say it is critical to keep this area of your face free of obstruction, such as removing moles that are right in the center line or clearing bushy eyebrows (or uni-brows).

People who have a scar, indentation, or other facial deformities in their House of Life are said to have a more “flawed” or challenging luck after the age of 27. Thereafter, a “beautiful” nose sets the course for a life that means “forge ahead.” While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in Face Reading, a beautiful nose is one that is fleshy (wealth for men, power/support for women), with bigger nostrils (denotes kindness and generosity), a soft and gradual dip from the center point between the eyebrows to the nose (means a smoother transition in life after age 27), and a straight nose with no bone protrusion (indicates a smooth life ahead).


(“Beautiful” Nose)


(Nose with bone protrusion)

Face Reading is a fascinating subject all on its own that is often used together with understanding a person’s BaZi. Unfortunately, it’s not as reliable anymore today because many people can easily alter their faces with cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty, for one, is a very popular cosmetic surgery these days. Hence, we cannot fully rely on Face Reading alone to read a person’s fortune. At least in BaZi, your birthday is still your birthday no matter what you do to your face!

Anyway, House of Life in Face Reading can offer one explanation why many famous people pass so suddenly and tragically at the age of 27. In mainstream media, this is now dubbed the “27 Club”. And these are some of the famous younsters whose lives were cut too short: Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and now, Anton Yelchin.

Anton’s BaZi. He was born March 11, 1989.

D          M        Y

庚         丁       己

Metal   Fire   Earth

午        卯        巳

Fire    Wood   Fire

He was in the luck of 甲子 (Wood/Water).

His current luck is a clash (子 Rat + 午 Horse) and a penalty (子 Rat + 卯 Rabbit) and this month also being a penalty (午 Horse + 午 Horse). But we will have to wait and see what his exact time of death is to complete the analysis fully and to interpret how the Elements lined up on June 19th. So, stay tuned! (This post will be updated when more information is available).

Trivia: In 2014, rhinoplasty came in second (after breast augmentation) as the most popular plastic surgery performed–217,000+, and almost 75% were performed on females!

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