Feng Shui Internal Forms: Stairs

This article also appeared on Feng Shui Today, a Classical Feng Shui online publication based in Australia.


Evaluating stairs inside a home is always an interesting one, at least from a Feng Shui perspective. They are built as a “connector” to link various levels of a building to each other. As such, they are conduits of energy between the upper and lower levels.

Good Feng Shui designed staircases can distribute nourishing energy and ensure that it gets to every part of the home. Harmful staircases, on the other hand, will restrict energy flow and can even transform positive Qi into Sha (negative) Qi.

From an Internal Forms Feng Shui perspective, here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. Spiral staircases are undesirable because they enhance malevolent energy, because energy should rise evenly as a cylindrical column and not forced to twist or funnel up.
  2. Narrow stairs that lead straight to the upper levels with only a small landing at each floor are also undesirable, because the gradient of the ascending (or descending) energy is too steep, and the rush of energy can be overwhelming.
  3. Stairs should be wide and shallow so it can facilitate the gentle rise and fall of energy.
  4. In most cases, stairs should not face the front door. However, there are exceptions.

It should be noted that the severity of the internal designs do depend on the influences of Flying Stars, too.

Note: You can check out some amazing staircase designs from around the world HERE. What do you think?