- King “Tut” Tutankhamun’s first tomb discovery, Egypt – Nov. 4, 1922 (Dog 戌 “Earth” Year).
- Rosetta Stone, discovery – 1799 (Goat 未 “Earth” Year). Note: Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V.
- The human remains of the last Plantagenet King of England, Richard III, first discovery – Aug. 24, 2012 (Dragon 辰 “Earth” Year).
- The Cave of Altamira, Spain – 1880 (Dragon 辰 “Earth” Year). The discovery totally changed our understanding of prehistoric humans.
(Source: BBC News)
Updated: During the Yin Wood Rabbit 乙卯 Month (March 2018), mummified priests and antiquities have been found in a 2,300-year-old Egyptian burial ground. The graveyard has at least 8 tombs containing mummified priests. We expect more tombs to be found and excavations to take place during the Dog Year!
Updated: During the Yin Earth Goat Month 己未 (July 2018), a group of archaeologists unearthed a skeleton they think belongs to the man who presided over the first representative government assembly in the Western Hemisphere…the grave of Sir George Yeardley, one of Jamestown’s early leaders. Yeardley was one of the New World’s first leaders, but he was also one of America’s first slaveholders.
(Photo Credit: CNN Coverage)
Updated: July was a busy month! Archaeologists with Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities have opened that giant 2.65-meter (8.7-foot) black sarcophagus unearthed from a depth of 5 meters (16.4 feet) during a construction survey. The granite sarcophagus was the largest ever found in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria. Read more about it HERE.
Updated: The newly discovered sphinx in Egypt, believed to be more than 2,000 years old, was revealed during work to lower the groundwater level in an ancient temple. Read the full article HERE.
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