Mark Zuckerberg is the legendary young billionaire (worth $73 billion USD as of 2018), programming prodigy, and technology entrepreneur best known for co-founding and leading Facebook.

Four Pillars Analysis

His BaZi chart is Yang Earth 戊. Because he was born in the summer time (Fire) with a lot of Friends Element (Earth) support, his self-element is strong. This means his favorable elements are Metal and Water; and unfavorable elements are Fire and Earth.

Mark’s destiny is outstanding. He was born with two Academic Stars (Monkey 申 and Snake 巳), the make-up of an entrepreneur (Money and Intelligence), and a Nobleman Star (Goat 未). In a way, we can say his Four Pillars is a lot like a fancy car—the formulation of a good destiny. But the timing of good fortune must also be taken into consideration to assess whether his destiny will allow him to utilize his in-born gifts and achieve great success.

Luck Pillars Analysis

When looking at his Luck Pillars, he started his first independent luck at age 7. This was strong Fire luck, not so favorable. Because Fire represents his Resources Element, it means he had a chance to stay focused and be studious. This was an important time for him to propagate his vision and nurture his creative juices. In fact, during his formative years in high school, he was already busy taking advanced collegiate courses and perfecting his computer programming skills. At the same time, he was also very productive and completing many video game projects because the Metal Element on top is his Intelligence Element. This indicated that he was already going to work to earn a living and show off his skills and knowledge. Metal in the Heavenly Stem is his favorable element.

Next, his college years were under the luck of the Goat 未, his 10-year Nobleman. Even though this Earth luck is technically not so favorable, he actually did what we would typically recommend to people with similar luck: don’t go against destiny, use what you have.

Indeed, he used the Earth Element to his favor by creating a technology platform (Earth) to bring friends/communities (Earth) together, the primitive stages of what is now known as Facebook. All of this is in alignment with the Earth Element.

Despite the Nobleman luck, the Earth Element—unfavorable element—is still troublesome. For one, he encountered a lot of obstacles before Facebook officially launched, including being accused of using student photos without their consent, bombarding one of Harvard’s network switches and being forced to shut down, and creating enemies. Three individuals accused Mark of misleading them into believing he would help them build a social network, while he was instead using their ideas to build a competing product. This led to a legal suit and subsequent settlement. That’s why the Earth Element still posed a threat.

Nevertheless, the Nobleman luck was his saving grace, allowing him to overcome and rise above these challenges. Yin Metal 辛 Heavenly Stem represents his Aggressive Intelligence Element, which ensured that he was able to eventually carry out his vision and catapulted him to pioneering a new and innovative wave in technology.

The next 20 years (aged 27-47) shows the luck of Metal and Water Elements, both his best elements. That’s why the prediction is that Facebook—and his other endeavors—will only continue to grow and prosper. He is unstoppable!

Milestone Analysis

Facebook is Launched

 In 2004, at the very end of the Goat 未 Year—his double Nobleman—he launched Facebook from his Harvard dormitory room.

Day                  Month              Year

癸                    乙                    癸

Water              Wood              Water

丑                    丑                    未

Earth               Earth               Earth

Ox*                  Ox*                  Goat*

*Ox and Goat = Nobleman

Facebook Goes Public

On May 18, 2012, Facebook went public. The IPO was the biggest in technology and one of the biggest in Internet history, with a peak market capitalization of over $104 billion USD. The initial offering price at market close was $38.00 USD. As of June 8, 2018, Facebook’s shares are at $189.10 USD.

Hour                Day       Month            Year

乙                    己                    乙                    壬

Wood              Earth               Wood           Water

亥                    卯                    巳                    辰

Water              Wood              Fire                Earth

Pig                   Rabbit             Snake              Dragon*

*Dragon = forms a strong Water Element with Mark’s chart (Monkey 申 + Rat 子 + Dragon 辰). This strong Water Element represents prosperous Money. Hence, the Dragon 辰 Year was one of his best money years.

Mark Gets Married

Without missing a beat, the next day, on May 19, 2012, Mark married his long-term girlfriend, Priscilla Chan.

Day                  Month              Year

庚                    乙                      壬

Metal              Wood              Water

辰                    巳                      辰

Earth               Fire                  Earth

Dragon*          Snake              Dragon*

*Dragon = Same as above. Money Element for men also means Woman. Hence, on the Dragon 辰 day, Dragon 辰 Year, he marries a woman.

Mark’s Legal Trouble

In 2018, Mark faced congressional inquiries in light of the Cambridge Analytical scandal and revelations about the platform’s role in the dissemination of Russian disinformation during the 2016 presidential campaign. Mark appeared before Congress on April 10, 2018 at 2:15pm and April 11, 2018 at 10am.

Hour                Day                  Month             Year

丁                    壬                    丙                    戊

Fire                  Water              Fire                  Earth

未                    申                    辰                    戌

Earth               Metal              Earth               Earth

Goat*              Monkey           Dragon             Dog

*Goat = Mark’s Nobleman hour. The Day is also Water and Metal, both his favorable elements. Piece of cake!

Hour                Day                  Month             Year

丁                    癸                    丙                    戊

Fire                  Water              Fire                  Earth

巳                    酉                    辰                    戌

Fire                  Metal              Earth               Earth

Snake              Rooster*         Dragon            Dog

*Rooster = Mark’s Peach Blossom Day, which is also a Water and Metal Day, both his favorable elements. No problem!

Facebook Plunges by $130 Billion!

July was a tough month when Facebook plunged by $130 billion! July is the strongest Earth Element. Couple that with an already challenging heavy Earth Dog Year, it’s no surprise Facebook is showing less than stellar performance. Forbes outlined 3 reasons for its current struggles: 1) dramatic deceleration of revenue growth; 2) slowest-ever user growth, particularly in Europe; and 3) huge increase in spending (hiring, tech infrastructure, data privacy) that cuts into profits.

Month             Year

乙                    戊

Wood             Earth

未                    戌

Earth              Earth

Goat                Dog

But alas! Facebook is expected to still see profits in the next fiscal year once Facebook corrects many of its self-inflicted pains especially around data privacy and security. This is quite in alignment with Mark’s BaZi as well. Once we shift into August (Monkey month / Metal season), and we progress closer to the Water Years (2019, 2020), no doubt Facebook will regain its footing once more!

Conclusion: 2018 Earth Dog 戊戌 Year (heavy Earth Year) may be unfavorable to Mark, which is a year that he can encounter new enemies and competitors. The pressure from the public and government is also aggravated by the influence of the season (Wood = Spring; Fire = Summer). However, this hardship will subside once we shift into the second half of the year (Metal = Autumn; Water = Winter). Couple that with the support of his good luck (aged 27-37) of Water and Metal, and this trouble is short-lived. Mark is Superman!

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