Feng Shui Journal Volume I: 2019 Year of the Pig will be available on December 5. We are very excited to share this first edition with you. The magazine aims to highlight and feature many of our industry professionals, students, and enthusiasts with special topics on Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, BaZi, Chinese Medicine, and many others. We appreciate your support, readership, and enthusiasm, and look forward to sharing more goodies with you in the future!

Please use the form below to pre-order your copy of the inaugural issue.

Feng Shui Journal

  • + $2.50 shipping anywhere in the USA; + $10 shipping outside of USA
  • + $2.50 shipping anywhere in the USA; + $10 shipping outside of USA
  • + $2.50 shipping anywhere in the USA; + $10 shipping outside of USA