BaZi Talk: Trump and the July 13 Event

The assassination attempt on former U.S. President, Donald J. Trump, on July 13, 2024 at 6:11pm EST.
As previously discussed in the BaZi Talk for July, the Goat month activates the Earth Penalty energy, which also adversely affects the current U.S. President, Joe Biden (i.e., the post-debate debacle). This energy wreaks havoc and chaos, creates struggle and hardship, stirs up enemies, and the harbinger of sickness, tragedies, and misfortunes.
The influence of the Earth Penalty has also negatively impacted the likes of Princess Diana, Kobe Bryant, Amanda Knox, Malala Yousafzai, Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, Robin Williams, Rebecca Schaeffer, Farrah Fawcett, Monica Lewinsky, O.J. Siimpson, Bill Cosby, Freddie Mercury, Aaaliyah, Collin Power, etc.
The shooting occurred during 1700-1900 local time, which is the TIME of the Rooster. This Element happens to be Donald Trump’s Nobleman Star (aka “Angel” or “Protection”).
The presence of a Nobleman Star offers a kind of “hidden blessing” or protective energy. Nobleman is familiar to many famous real-life rescue stories such as Captain Sullivan’s United Airline landing on the Hudson River in New York, Captain Philip’s rescue from the pirates, and the heroic survival of former Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell, etc.
A single Element can do multiple things. It can be a Clash, a Penalty, and a Nobleman. Time and time again, clients and students always ask me if the Nobleman “cancels” out the Clash or the Penalty. The answer is NO. It just means, all of those things are happening simultaneously but that, with the Nobleman Star, the outcome may be in your favor.
I think about my clients who have experienced the same dynamic of having an Element be a Clash/Penalty and also a Nobleman. These examples include one who was diagnosed with cancer but discovered it in the early stages and found the best doctors to help them. Another client was laid off but found another job that paid more money and the new gig ended up being more enjoyable and fulfilling. And finally, another client’s real estate transaction fell through only to have found another property that was even better and more energetically uplifting.
Success is not always defined by a straight path where the entire journey is good and easy. Oftentimes, the best fruits come out of the worst possible position. Last year, I shared Jeremy Renner’s BaZi chart whose accident also occurred on a Clash/Penalty but also a Nobleman. He suffered greatly but survived. And a year later, he not only recovered but he also had a new lease on life.
With every tragedy or challenge, it also boils down to the human spirit. Are you resilient, determined, strong-minded, positive, and willful? Or do you give up easily? People rise above obstacles all the time, sometimes by sheer brute force, sometimes by skills, sometimes by the grace of other helpful people, and many times, by divine intervention.
We have an amazing tool such as BaZi to help us understanding WHY things happen. Ten times out of 10, it confirms that, as the Stars aligned, things happen when they are meant to. Therefore, we can leverage the wisdom of BaZi as well as our personal and individual faith to understand the timing of things, but that we can also infuse an understanding around life events (good, bad, or ugly) with grace and acceptance. And hopefully, we accept the invitation to shift our perspective and begin to see ourselves, others, and the world through a different lens. One that might be less judgmental and more forgiving. Above all, to recognize that we play a HUGE role in carving out our destiny with our choices, attitude, emotional maturity, and faith.
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