Be In The Flow

After writing the article, “Be Like Water,” I felt the urge to keep up with the theme of the Water Element. It’s got me thinking about the climate of the world we live in today. Despite the physical constraints that has halted our movements and momentum, the flow of life doesn’t really stop or cease to exist. In fact, I feel my intellectual and spiritual self are in full swing without the physical distractions of needing to go here or drive there. Do you feel it, too?

Many of us have heard the concept that the essence of all being is energy. Energy is a lot like a stream or a river. The energetic current that keeps our hearts pumping and our creative juices flowing is like the flow of water—it is always moving and going somewhere. It has a purpose and a destination, just like the pool of water that joins up with a larger body of water.

If you think of it that way, our physical and spiritual self depends on the unrestricted flow of life energy. Healthy energy is the source that contributes to our wholeness and well-being.

It’s normal to absorb the energy from those around us, including the ones being emitted by the world and the news. Anxiety and fear are heightened at a time of uncertainty—they carry a lot of weight right now. But we ultimately choose what impact these will have in our lives. Can you identify and clear those blockages to ensure the flow of energy is maintained? How much are you willing to consume before the consumption becomes too great to bear, leaving you depleted, exhausted, joyless, uninspired, and pessimistic?

A healthy and grounded person is bound to absorb some portion of the energy emitted by others and the environment (Feng Shui). There are no magic potions to separate you completely from this, even if you lived inside a cave or disconnected from the world. But this should not disrupt the continuous stream of balanced energy. When we keep our mind, body, and spirit in a harmonious flow, we are able to maintain a state of good health, vibrancy, and peace regardless of the noise and external fluctuations.

Here are a few recommendations that you can easily adapt, even in self-isolation, to keep the stream of energy flowing:

  • Elevate your personal vibration by cultivating simple, yet uplifting activities, especially after a trauma or experiencing lower frequency emotions such as disappointment, sadness, grief, or even anger. These activities include gentle breathing exercises, nature walks and jogging, forest bathing, reading or journaling under the sun, praying or meditating, disconnecting from technology, eating a meal without interruption or multitasking, finding a quiet place to “space out” and just be, playing joyful tunes, napping and restoring, or nurturing an artistic hobby like painting, playing a guitar, or knitting. Whatever suits your fancy, do more of what will ease your worries and raise your spirit.
  • Adjust your expectations. Life will throw a curveball that might feel like an impediment. This curveball has many faces. Today, it is most likely because of COVID-19, but curveballs can show up as a job loss, missed opportunities, a sickness, an accident, a setback or a delay, a falling-out in a relationship, etc. Whatever it is, it’s perfectly okay to adjust your sails when the temperature of the circumstances has changed. Doing so does not mean you have failed or that your dream is over. The way I see it, curveballs are blessings in disguise. They help us realize new ways of living and achieving goals that we haven’t quite been able to imagine. So, be kind to yourself. Minimize and avoid self-criticism or self-sabotage if you do find yourself needing to adjust your expectations.
  • Be “awake” and flexible in your heart. This helps to develop a stronger sense of awareness. Try not to push on with your agenda or task blindly or in an “autopilot” way because it’s the norm or because it is what is expected from you. Have a clear sense of why you’re doing what you’re doing. By being more present, you will evaluate the flow of your actions and thoughts more clearly and in real-time. Remember, energy is fluid, so your awareness of the flow of energy (or the momentum of your actions) will sustain and empower you to take charge of your own well-being—thereby, taking steps to unblock, correct, or enhance the flow in a timelier fashion.

Don’t worry, fear will likely be the culprit in all of this. After all, it is a powerful Water year. Instead of working to eliminating fear completely (because it’s probably near impossible to do so anyway), use fear and transform it into something great. As Winston Churchill once so aptly remarked, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Nothing worthy is ever free of challenges and obstacles. But the exuberance you will feel when the flow is restored will be a welcome and blessed reward. I promise.

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