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  • Workshop Description: How's life post-Covid? It's hard to believe how much has changed in the last two years. I bet we've all learned so much about ourselves as we reflect, decompress, and forge ahead in this new year. What's more, this 2022 Year of the Water Tiger is the perfect time to renew our purpose, relationships, spirituality, wellbeing, and heart-centered values. This carefully crafted 4-hour workshop is designed to create a unique platform for individuals to share their struggles and triumphs by incorporating the wisdom of BaZi and the Chinese Five Elements. Master Jen Stone will help each person understand how his or her birth chart has been touched and impacted by the cycles of the Elements as well as the influence of time -- the why's, how's, and what's ahead. This workshop will also include guided meditations of the Five Elements (written by Master Jen Stone), journal prompts to facilitate open discussions, spiritual prayers that we can personally formulate and meditate upon, and a few gentle stretches of the body. If you are grappling with letting go of fear, grudges, lies, doubts, and negative self-talk, or you've managed to finally conquer the hump of resistance, your struggles and triumphs, respectively, are worth sharing! This workshop can be the gateway to reframing your mindset, sealing your newfound freedom, and receiving the gifts of growth, inner peace, and healing.
  • Enjoy all three volumes of the Feng Shui Journal!  Featuring an array of articles including: VOLUME 1 Features:
    • Grand Master Raymond Lo
    • Feng Shui & Architecture
    • New Year Forecast
    • QI Men Dun Jia
    • Chinese Medicine
    VOLUME 2 Features:
    • Q&A with Grand Master Skinner
    • 5 Tips for Starting a Feng Shui Business
    • Debunking Feng Shui Falacies
    • Cosmetic Accupuncture
    • and more!
    VOLUME 3 Features:
    • Feng Shui Gardens
    • Feng Shui for Contemporary Living
    • The Moon Festival
    • My Journey as a Feng Shui Consultant
    • and more!
    VOLUME 4 Features:
    • Grand Master Raymond Lo’s 2020 Forecast
    • Q&A with Grand Master Goh Guan Leong
    • Face Reading: How Your Face Speaks to Us
    • BaZi and Health
    • How Feng Shui Can Help You in Times of Change
    • And More!
  • A collaboration with Feng Shui by Jen® and ZEN by Karen Moore ® for the Year of the Metal Ox.
    The ZEN Herkimer Diamond bracelet, with the sterling silver cable chain, is the essence of Yin Metal Ox. Yin Metal signifies beauty, grace, elegance, and harmony. The Ox, an Earth sign, brings nourishing energy to support rebirth and growth. This stunning gemstone is commonly found in Herkimer, New York, but it is not a diamond as one may think because of its name. Herkimer Diamond is known for its twinkle because it is a naturally occurring, double-terminated quartz crystal. Every piece typically has 18 faces, which adds to its natural brilliance and allure. Do not underestimate the delicate appearance of a Herkimer Diamond either. This gemstone carries the energy of transformation and change, bringing to light the energy that lies within the bearer. Traditionally, it is also regarded as one of the most spiritual gemstones because it can be used as a tool for supporting meditation and spiritual growth, thereby bringing you clarity and balance of the mind, body, and spirit. The chakra energy associated with this gem is the crown, or seventh energy center. It is believed to be our access to universal happiness and bliss. A clean connection to the higher universe is possible for all when this chakra is active and clear, and it supports navigating life more freely and with ease. Make 2021 your year to shine with the ZEN Herkimer Diamond bracelet. 
    Product Details: • Delicate sterling silver cable chain, adjustable to 8 inches. • Herkimer Diamond is set in place on a movable silicon bead. • Packaged in a jewelry pouch with the gem meaning, ready for gift-giving! 
  • Understanding 2024 World Events with BaZi | Via Zoom

    Date & Time: Mon. Sept. 23, 2024 | 5pm-6:30pm AZ Location: Live via Zoom Fee: 64 USD/per person

    Tuition: $64

    Description: There's so much going on in 2024! Without question, the Dragon Year truly is the harbinger for bringing radical changes and deep spiritual growth, individually and as a collective. It will definitely go down in history as one of the most memorable times in our lifetime!

    As we find ourselves navigating the ups and downs of world events (the good, bad, and messy), often the best way to reduce anxiety and stress about the future (and the things we have mostly no control over), is to lean into the tools—like BaZi—so we can demystify, understand, process, and reframe a new perspective about all that is happening. Knowledge is power and you can leverage this information to form better habits to fortify your emotional and mental health.

    BaZi is an incredible gift. This ancient tool not only explains the energy make-up of people, but also the impact of global events, the weather, and the evolution of the human condition.

    In this workshop, we will:

    • Unravel the mysteries of the messages and patterns that is the Dragon Year (2024).
    • Use BaZi to decipher upcoming events such as the U.S. Presidential Election, including examining the impact of social and economic forms and influences of major global leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities.
    • Examine real-life charts to enhance our knowledge of  the Dragon Year (2024).
    • Get first-hand tips on how to use this knowledge to navigate the rest of the year.
    • Everything will be tailored to current events.
    • And so much more!

    This workshop is led by IFSA Master Jen Stone. Workshop recording is available for purchase. 

  • 2025 Chinese New Year Talk (ZOOM & RECORDING)

    Friday, January 31 @5PM MST (via Zoom) Fee: $64 per person

    We're ready for the Year of the Green Snake! On February 5, we will welcome a New Year that will greatly impact our homes, health, work, and way of life. Click HERE to purchase the Period 9 Talk.

    This will be our 12th Annual Tradition!

    Presented by IFSA Master Jen Stone, we will explore the meaning of the Elements that will highlight the theme of the Year. This information will prepare us to take control of our destiny with more confidence, ease, and success!

    Topics will include:

    • Feng Shui Tips for 2025 specifically
    • BaZi Theme & Updates
    • Meaning of the Elements
    • Tips to optimize Health, Relationship, and Money
    • Economic Outlook
    • And More!
    Attend the Zoom workshop LIVE or purchase the recording to enjoy the talk at your convenience.

    Investment: $64 USD

    Special Perks:

    • In Person participants will automatically be entered for a special 2025 raffle prize.
    • In Person and Zoom Participants will receive a $50 BaZi gift certificate and a $250 Feng Shui gift certificate toward a private consultation (expires on 12/31/2025).
  • We're ready for the Year of the Green Snake! On February 4, we will welcome a New Year that will greatly impact our homes, health, work, and way of life. Click HERE to purchase the Period 9 Talk. This will be our 12th Annual Tradition! Presented by IFSA Master Jen Stone, we will explore the meaning of the Elements that will highlight the theme of the Year. This information will prepare us to take control of our destiny with more confidence, ease, and success! Topics will include:
    • Feng Shui Tips for 2025 specifically
    • BaZi Theme & Updates
    • Meaning of the Elements
    • Tips to optimize Health, Relationship, and Money
    • Economic Outlook
    • And More!
    You have three ways to join us:
    • Friday, January 31 at 5pm MST (7pm EST) - Live via Zoom
    • Saturday, February 1 at 11am MST -  Live in Person at Feng Shui by Jen Studio. Seats are limited
    • Purchase the recording to enjoy the talk at your convenience
    Investment: $64 USD Special Perks:
    • In Person participants will automatically be entered for a special 2025 raffle prize.
    • In Person and Zoom Participants will receive a $50 BaZi gift certificate and a $250 Feng Shui gift certificate toward a private consultation (expires on 12/31/2025).
  • This is a must-read for anyone who is studying, practicing, or curious about Classical Feng Shui. The book chronicles the origin and source from the early history of Feng Shui, its subsequent evolution throughout China’s dynasties, the impact and calibration of formulas and techniques, and the influence it has on modern societies in both Asian and Western countries. Skinner’s meticulously-researched writing gives Feng Shui a legitimate claim as a science, rather than as New Age hocus-pocus.
  • This is a priceless and invaluable book to all serious Feng Shui students committed to learning Classical Feng Shui the right way. It serves as a great reference book for all levels as it also contains important materials, formulas, and case studies necessary to perform a comprehensive Feng Shui evaluation. While Flying Star dominates the book, Grand Master Raymond Lo also generously includes information on Form School and Yin House Feng Shui.
  • Date & Time: Sat. 11/4/2023 at 11AM Arizona

    Location: In Person and Zoom Fee: $59 per person

    Workshop Description:

    Did you know many commercial buildings, temples, public spaces, and residential homes in Asia have spent at least the last 5 years renovating their spaces in anticipation of the arrival of Period 9?

    This workshop will include in-depth discussions on:

    • What is the Feng Shui calendar and the meaning of Period 9?
    • How this shift and the start of Period 9 will impact our environment, dwellings, and place of business?
    • How will Period 9 affect industries, new developments, and the prospects and innovations in the future years to come?
    • Tips on what to look for and how to prepare for this new cycle, including real estate transactions (buy, sell, investment), and renovations, and the coming realities of Artificial Intelligence.

    Please note: Recording of the live talk is available for purchase.

  • Oct. 28, 2023 | 10am-12:30pm (AZ Time) In Person • Scottsdale, AZ

    Tuition: $58
    We are introducing a new workshop called “The Five Elements and QiGong.” Learn how to optimize your health with the wisdom of the Five Elements and QiGong for the upcoming holiday season!
    Workshop Description: 
    • Learn how the Metal and Water Elements influence the Autumn and Winter seasons and how they specifically affect our body and mind.
    • Brief introduction to QiGong (lecture).
    • 50-minute guided QiGong practice tailored for the winter season (physical movement).
    What to Expect: Participants will enjoy 1 hour of in-class lecture followed by 1 hour of guided QiGong practice and breath work meditation. Wear yoga clothes or athleisure attire that you can comfortably move in and flag soled shoes to move outside. This workshop is co-hosted by Feng Shui Master Jen Stone (for BaZi lecture) and Zen Wellness Master Teacher Sara Anderson (for QiGong movement).
    About Master Sara Anderson: Hailing from Chicago, Sara began her training in the martial and healing arts in 1984 and reached first degree black belt by 1988 through the United Martial Arts Association of America and continued her training and teaching in Boston. She co-founded Seminars Unlimited – a company which provided corporate wellness (tai chi, qigong, and self defense) for Fortune 500 company employees and senior management staff in the New England area. In 1996, Sara completed the rank of third degree black belt and moved to Phoenix, AZ. In Phoenix, she began augmenting her training with yoga, pilates, and strength training.  She trained for several more years through the Zen Yoga system and completed the Master Teacher certification with Zen Wellness. She is 200- and 300-hour certified with Yoga Alliance, and is certified personal trainer through the International Sports Science Association.  In 2018, she co-authored and published her first book, Balancing the Wood Element, and has since published two more, Balancing the Fire Element and Balancing the Earth Element.  Her fourth book is set to be released by the end of 2023.  In 2020, Sara received her Classical Feng Shui certification through the Raymond Lo School of Feng Shui & Destiny (instructed by Master Jen Stone, Feng Shui by Jen) and endorsed by the International Feng Shui Association.  Currently, Sara continues to provide both online and live classes teaching QiGong and Zen Yoga.
  • Did you miss the talk? If so, no worries. For $58, you can purchase the 2-hour workshop presentation for your viewing and learning pleasure! Click on the link below. You'll receive the recording, handouts, a copy of your BaZi chart for reference, and a $50 credit towards your 60-minute BaZi session (expires 12/31/2023).
  • Workshop Description: It's time to plan, learn, and look forward to the New Year! We'll digest and decompress for 2022 and continue the discussion onto the Year of the Water Rabbit! This workshop will be offered in person (at Feng Shui By Jen studio) with limited seating capacity. It will also simultaneously stream live via Zoom Webinar. You are invited to join in on the presentation and discussion. Jen will take questions at the end of the workshop. A special message will also be announced at this workshop, so you DO NOT want to miss it! Payment must be received in full to confirm your registration. There is no refund. If you registered to join us in person and cannot attend, please let our office know right away so the seat can be offered to someone else. If you cannot attend the live event, a recording of the presentation will be made available to you. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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