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  • Introduce yourself (or a friend) to the fascinating world of Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics. This fun, comprehensive book demystifies the different schools of Feng Shui, concepts like the Five Elements, Qi, and Yin and Yang, and covers basic principles of Forms, Eight Mansion, and Flying Star Feng Shui. It also debunks common Western myths, misconceptions, and “new age” ideas around this authentic, ancient Eastern practice. Jen includes many practical examples that are easy for anyone to follow, appreciate, and apply.
    This book is great for first-timers and professionals alike and includes a foreword by world-renowned Feng Shui Grand Master Raymond Lo of Hong Kong. Available in hardcopy only.
  • Get your copy of Volume 5 of the Feng Shui Journal - April 2020, featuring:
    • Feng Shui and Architecture
    • Qi Gong and Healthy Living
    • A Tribute to the Wood Element
    • Building a Period 8 Feng Shui Home for Money Luck
    • and more!
  • Get your copy of Volume 5 of the Feng Shui Journal - April 2020, featuring:
    • Feng Shui and Architecture
    • Qi Gong and Healthy Living
    • A Tribute to the Wood Element
    • Building a Period 8 Feng Shui Home for Money Luck
    • and more!
  • Limited copies available. The Almanac is a yearly publication that outlines the BaZi Elements daily for the Dragon Year in English! This is a great complementary tool to track your Symbolic Stars such as Nobleman, Clash, Peach Blossom, Penalty, etc. It gives general guidelines on choosing auspicious dates for everyday activities and Feng Shui reviews. Note: You will need some basic understanding of BaZi and your BaZi chart and Flying Star Feng Shui in order to follow the contents of the almanac. Great for BaZi students and enthusiasts. $50 per copy. This order is for USA Shipping Only.
  • Get your copy of Volume 4 of the Feng Shui Journal - December 2019, featuring:
    • Grand Master Raymond Lo's 2020 Forecast
    • Q&A with Grand Master Goh Guan Leong
    • Face Reading: How Your Face Speaks to Us
    • BaZi and Health
    • How Feng Shui Can Help You in Times of Change
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